
Aesthetic, strong and complete teeth are now part of a healthy, good appearance. Therefore, it has become imperative to remove teeth that are beyond repair or missing due to damage, or to restore severely damaged, discolored crowns as quickly as possible. Aside from the aesthetics and discomfort, missing teeth can also lead to more serious problems over time, such as displacement and overloading of neighboring teeth, damage to the tooth socket, voice or stomach problems. Therefore, it is very important to replace missing full teeth or crowns as soon as possible, at the latest within a year. Fortunately, a wide range of denture options are available today, depending on individual needs, requirements and comorbidities.

Types of dentures:

Depending on where the denture is attached, there are traditional dentures, where the restoration is made using the original tooth(s) or parts of the oral cavity, and implant restorations, where one or more implants are placed in the root to replace the tooth. They can also be differentiated according to whether they are permanently fixed in the mouth (fixed dentures) or not (removable dentures). There are also combined dentures in which removable parts are connected to the fixed part.

Conventional dentures

The great advantage of the conventional methods is that the new teeth can be made in just a few days or a week or two and the costs are lower than with implant-based dentures. The downside is that they sometimes need to be ground down and even root canaled to fit fully intact, healthy teeth, and they can sometimes be more difficult to clean.

Dentures on implants

Implant-based restorations are more complicated, more expensive and take more time than traditional methods, but they are more stable, often easier to keep clean and in most cases durable compared to the average lifespan of traditional restorations of 8-10 years. Implants also do not require the teeth to be ground down, so there is no unnecessary loss of tooth material with these restorations.

frequently asked Questions

Over time almost everyone will need some form of dentures as teeth can become decayed and damaged. When a large part of the tooth structure is damaged, tooth fillings are no longer sufficient to restore them.

Nowadays there are numerous types of dentures, from which the dentist and the patient choose the most suitable one depending on the problem to be treated and the individual abilities, needs and financial possibilities of the patient. Whichever type is chosen, a well-prepared denture differs little or not at all in its function from the patient’s own teeth.

During dentures, all drilling, grinding and cutting steps are performed under local anesthesia, so there is no pain. Occasionally, there may be pain and swelling after these procedures, but this is temporary.

Whether traditional or implant-based, it is possible to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even the entire row(s) of teeth. The number and position of the teeth to be replaced is an important factor in choosing the right restoration method.

Dentures require at least as much care and attention as your own teeth, and sometimes even special cleaning tools and methods. Plaque and tartar also adhere to dentures, and the pathogens that live within them can cause inflammation and periodontal disease over time, which can significantly reduce the life of the denture.

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